With love there’s still hope.
Like a lamp on the seas of life, showing up to shine is an example of love and devotion. Read More →
Like a lamp on the seas of life, showing up to shine is an example of love and devotion. Read More →
As you’ve probably noticed, I’ve had a hard time sitting down to write posts for this blog. Writing is not nearly as fun as chatting with someone in person, and after having yet another person suggest I start a podcast, I’ve decided to do it. While researching and listening to other podcasts, I’m creating a six-part series about the You’re the Boat analogy. This way, you’ll get the ideas broken down into smaller chunks, easy to digest and share with others. I aim to publish it and be ready within the next few months. In the meantime, I’d love to hear from you if youRead More →
In my last blog post, I wrote about harnessing the power of Yes/And to heal and move forward. I mentioned being put up for adoption at five years old. This created long-term issues, which I’m still working on. Like a long, trapped splinter, it took a while to recognize my trauma, which brings me to today’s blog post. A funny thing happened this summer. On Father’s Day, I picked up a sliver in my thumb. While installing a power lift onto our seawall to help my husband, Blake, get on and off the pontoon boat. I felt the sliver and thought I had pulled itRead More →
I’ve been working on my new book, Happy Home, Healthy Life: Charting a Course to a life worth living. This book has been marinating in my heart and mind for a long time, and I’m excited to see it come to life. It’s a tool for self-realization, breaking down the elements of life into the four systems of a ship; guidance, logistics, propulsion, and navigation. Each system offers a guiding principle to support your journey. For those facing a painful situation or healing from a complicated past, this analogy offers a higher perspective to see yourself through your body, mind, and soul to recognize whereRead More →
This post is part of my cornerstone content, written years ago and updated for inspiring wisdom and deep understanding today. While on the freeway the other day, my son, Garrett, was driving while I rode in the passenger seat. We were heading into a construction zone with cement barriers to our left and a tractor-trailer to our right. I could feel my son getting nervous as we were also about to go underneath an overpass, so I suggested: “Just take a deep breath, let it out slowly, and focus on staying in your lane.“ We made it through without difficulties, and Garrett said, “Thanks Mom.”Read More →
If you’re like me, you’ve been feeling a bit overwhelmed by the state of affairs in the U.S. Every time I check my email or come across news about politics, climate change, social media, or the economy. It seems the world is on the brink of disaster. The media’s goal is to create titillating click-worthy content. Finding happiness and joy amidst all the chatter is almost impossible. Building a happy life requires us to keep trying! Yes/And It’s easy sometimes to feel hopelessly overwhelmed, yet we all carry the dream of a life worth living within us. The trick is to keep moving forward, despiteRead More →
There’s so much going on these days, and the seasonal responsibilities of autumn add even more items to the to-do list. My family and I have been busy winterizing the boat, cleaning gardens, and decorating the porch for Halloween. We researched candidates and filled out our absentee ballots. My darling husband has been busy researching new insurance and phone plans, and my wonderful son is super busy with school and work. Between making dinner, grocery shopping, doing laundry, and sweeping the floors, I’ve been pondering the best course of action to balance following my dreams while caring for my people. Adjusting course Last month, IRead More →
We’re all human, doing our best in a challenging world. Despite our best intentions, there are times when we need a gentle reminder to be compassionate with ourselves. I’m not the only person who forgets to be kind to myself because I often see this story come up in the Alchemy card readings I do with my friends and clients. For example, while at the Gypsy Glampout at LeFleur Decor in Hadley, the Sustain card came up quite a few times. So much so that I made a little video about it. “This card reminds us to take really good care of ourselves because whenRead More →
The Lavender Festival at Blake’s Orchard and Cider Mill in Armada, MI, went incredibly well. I was glad to be a part of the crew from Rochester Holistic Arts. We offered a free massage, healing lotions, jewelry, crystals, essential oils for sale, and Alchemy card readings. Although it was a little breezy, the weather was comfortable as we set up for all three days from 10 am – 5 pm. The event was jam-packed, with tons of people stopping by to look at stuff and get a few minutes of massage from our generous and talented crew, David, Brooklyn, Buffie, Brooke, Lisa, Kathleen, and Nic.Read More →
I was standing in the bathroom, brushing my teeth and getting ready for the day, when a robin flew into the window. The first time, it startled me, but the bird continued, attempting to fly into the closed window, then settling back onto the branch of our maple tree. I tried to shoo it away, but it refused to give up. I went for a walk with my son, Garrett, and when we got home an hour later, it was still at it. Eventually, Robin decided to give up the day, but it was right back the following day, flying into the window again. BeingRead More →
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