This post is part of my cornerstone content, written years ago, updated for today and still inspiring wisdom and deep understanding. In the beginning I started walking back in ’99, once I realized I was pregnant with my son, Garrett. At first, it was a way to quit craving a cigarette, but then after giving birth, I continued walking, enjoying the fresh air and opportunity to clear my head. It’s also when I’ve come up with my best ideas, including the You’re the Boat analogy. Since then, I make a point to take a walk just about every day. For a long time, my chocolateRead More →

This post is part of my cornerstone content, written years ago, updated for today and still inspiring wisdom and deep understanding. I can still remember like it was yesterday. After living in Brazil for over a year, it was time for us to move back home to Michigan. Everything that didn’t stay with the house had either been packed up, thrown out, or given away. It was early morning as I drank my coffee, thinking about the day ahead. We had at least three separate flights starting in Sao Paulo, going through Houston, and ending in Cleveland, followed by a 4-hour drive to Ortonville, MI. ByRead More →

This post is part of my cornerstone content, written years ago, updated for today, and still inspiring wisdom and deep understanding. One day I went upstairs to gather laundry from my son’s room and the open window in his room had blown the door shut. As I opened up his door, I was met with a warm gust of air, followed by a cool breeze. That flow of air reminded me of energy from the Source. Without an outlet, the cool breeze was blocked from cooling off the room but once I opened up the door, the current of air had somewhere to go. Once the warmRead More →

This post is part of my cornerstone content, written years ago, updated for today, and still inspiring wisdom and deep understanding. I was on a walk with Tootsie when I came across this rock. It looks like one of the many heart-shaped rocks I’ve picked up over the years, but with the bottom broken off. As I picked it up, I was surprised at not only how heavy it seemed but how perfectly it fit into my fingers, my thumb resting comfortably in the space in the center. I carried it like this on my walk, thinking, as I often do, about what this brokenRead More →