This post is part of my cornerstone content, written years ago, updated today, inspiring wisdom and deep understanding.
When I was about 10 or 11 years old, I remember looking at my pile of gifts one Christmas morning. Santa had been generous that year, so there was quite a bit to carry into my room. Although it is embarrassing to admit, I specifically remember thinking, “Now” where am I going to put all of this crap?”
All of those gifts, all of the anticipation, and all of the joy turned to ‘crap” simply because I didn’t think I had enough storage space.
I’m sharing this to illustrate the importance of space to a happy, healthy, fulfilling life.
It’s not that I didn’t appreciate the gifts. I did, but I didn’t know where to put them. Eventually, I put everything away, but only after I got rid of other stuff.
Making room
Creating room for what you want can be challenging. Clearing out what you don’t requires focus, objectivity, and time, precious elements to be sure. Like cleaning the house or breaking up with a toxic partner, it’s not always easy or fun, but it sure feels better once finished.
To breathe and grow, we need elbow room, not just physically but mentally.
The end of the year offers us a perfect opportunity to look back on the past to see what needs to change in the year ahead. To create a clear path for ourselves, we need to stay curious, aware, and mindful about what we need to let go of and what we want to fill up our lives.
“Between stimulus and response, there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and freedom.”
Viktor E. Frankl
Deeply rooted
Have you ever seen a root-bound house plant? Take a look at this one.

Notice how the roots are all tightly bound together. That’s because the plant has outgrown the pot.
Imagine our mind is like that pot, and our soul is the plant. For our souls to grow and expand into full consciousness, we need to keep our minds open, giving our souls plenty of room to grow.
Eric Klein of explains it beautifully.
“Being rooted means being connected to your core values. Because core values are the source of passion and purpose in your life.
When you’re connected to and living your core values – your life has an intrinsic sense of meaning and purpose. Then, even if you’re physically tired, you’re not exhausted – you’re tired and happy. There’s a bone–deep satisfaction that comes from allowing the energy and inspiration of core values to move through you into the world.”
Here are the values I came up with: kindness, beauty, education, and service to the greater good. I use them as the points of my compass to steer myself toward a life worth living. Using these values as a guide has helped me make better choices with my time and attention. They’re why I offer my services as an intuitive card reader, coach, teacher, and artist while taking good care of myself, my family, and friends.
Please take a moment to think about your core values, what they are, and how you see them reflected in your life. (click this link for a worksheet from Phil Wrzesinski to help you understand your brand, a.k.a. your values)
What do you think, my friendly blog reader?
What do you need to let go of or clear away?
Who and what are you making room for that truly feeds your soul?
I wish you all the best for the new year ahead, and I look forward to hearing from you.
xoxo Pam