Tap into your Creative Source while clearing away stress and drama. Using colored pencils to make a Doodle, you spend quality time making something fun and worthwhile.

Enjoy the process.

You could do this project at home, distracted by your phone, family, or responsibilities.

Coming to the Doodle class, you harness the power of being part of a group. With everyone focusing on creativity, we all contribute to the joy and camaraderie while having a good time. Being good to yourself creates good juju and motivation for the rest of your life.

Fortify ourselves with fun

If you’re like me, you have a lot going on, and the fun has a way of falling through the cracks. Add in the fear and worries of the world around us, and it’s a slippery slope to anxiety and depression.

“What are you going to do if it’s the end of the world? You better go out having fun, instead of stressing about it.”

Kirsten Dunst

To create a life worth living, we must balance what we need to do with what lights us up. We make space in our heads and hearts when we focus on enjoying ourselves.

We can use that joy to light a path toward a better life for ourselves and those around us.

Take it easy

Simple, soothing, and delightful, this workshop offers time focusing on choosing colors and patterns while having a good time. Bring your friends, or come as you are.

If you’ve been looking for an opportunity to feel creative and have fun, this workshop is for you. All supplies are included. You only need to bring yourself and a desire to have a great time.

Please email me at pam Belding at Gmail dot com for more information.