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You need more fun in your life!

Are you looking for joy and variety, a distraction from the stress and details of everyday life?

Do you enjoy making art? Do you like playing with colors and textures?

Have you been daydreaming about doing something fun?

I’ve used art for over twenty years to heal myself and connect with others. Art has been my go-to method for managing my mental and emotional health. I started by making a magic wand to help me become a better wife and mother. Then, I started making beads and building Burlap art projects to combat the voices of anxiety in my head.

Everybody has challenges they rarely discuss. Art and creativity are valuable tools for getting grounded and present. Losing our precious time and energy to fear is exhausting. Making art gives us time and space to relieve pressure and focus on recharging our energy and having fun.

“Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.”

Pablo Picasso

While I can’t change the world, I can do my best to influence it. I hope to create a ripple of goodness using art, stories, and laughter.

The healing power of art.

Art is a balm for the soul, a prescription to heal anxiety, depression, and other issues squashing our ability to live well. Allowing ourselves to be creative opens up inner space to meet our Source, Creator, or higher-self. Whatever we call it doesn’t really matter. The part of ourselves steering the way to creating a better life for ourselves and the people around us.

The simple truth is that joy heals. Play and creativity light a path forward to a life worth living. If you want to make something beautiful, meaningful, and fun, I invite you to join me. Together, we can create more happiness and laughter in a dark world.

“However vast the darkness, we must supply our own light.”

Stanley Kubrick
“Enjoy the process” doodle class.

Burlap Art

Make a magic wand and handbook

Beads, bracelets, and bookmarks

“Enjoy the process” doodle class

xoxo Pam

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